Futures Block Trades

Block Trades are permitted in Cboe Digital futures products and may be submitted in accordance with Exchange Rules 601 and 603. Prior to submitting Block Trades, firms are required to designate at least one Authorized Reporter by completing the following forms and sending to [email protected]. Parties to a Block Trade, as well as Authorized Reporters for a Block Trade, are obligated to comply with the requirements set forth in Exchange Rules 601 and 603. Any party to, or Authorized Reporter for, a Block Trade may be held responsible by the Exchange for noncompliance with those requirements. Exchange functionality currently requires that only employees of Clearing Members can be Authorized Reporters.

Cboe Digital Exchange Block Trade EDRP Authorized Reporter Registration Form
Cboe Digital Exchange Block Trade EDRP TPH Grantor-Grantee Reporting Form

For questions regarding Block Trade submission, including Authorized Reporter designation for Block Trade reporting, please contact [email protected].

Required Information

Authorized Reporters are required to input all the following information when submitting a Block Trade via the Cboe Digital Trading UI or Block Trade REST API.

Field Value
Contract Symbol Selected from the dropdowns by selecting the Product then Contract
Quantity The executed trade quantity in number of lots
Price The executed trade price
Neg Time The time at which the Block Trade was executed between the Buyer and Seller input as the submitting user’s local time
Sender Sub Id Order Entry Operator ID (OEO ID) of submitting Authorized Reporter
Account Clearing Member Account Code
Client Order Id Client Order ID Max characters: 40
Origin Customer or House
CTI 1 - Transactions initiated and executed by an individual TPH for the TPH’s own account, for an account the TPH controls, or for the account in which the TPH has an ownership or financial interest.
2 - Transactions executed for the proprietary account of a Clearing Member or non-clearing member TPH.
3 - Transactions where an individual TPH or authorized trader executes for the personal account of another individual TPH, for an account the other individual TPH controls or for an account in which the other individual TPH has an ownership or financial interest.
4 - Any transaction not meeting the definition of CTI 1, 2 or 3. (These should be non-TPH customer transactions)
Cust Account Ref Customer Account reference on the Clearing firms books and records
Clear Mem Id ID of the Clearing Member through which the block trade will be cleared for the appropriate side
Exch Mem Id ID of the Exchange Member through which the block trade is submitted for the appropriate side

Entering a Block Trade

To submit a Block Trade via the Cboe Digital Trading UI, select the relevant product and futures contract from the top of the Trading UI screen.

Select the Block Entry (2nd) ) tab from the left side of the Trading UI screen and fill in all required information.